Dates: May 19-20, 2022
This is the one pronounced BOW-fert.
I'm still with my cousin, Natalie - the climber. She's one person who I can do anything dumb around and she'll laugh with me. And she's onboard for not having a plan (like a hotel booked) when driving to a new town for the first time.
Where to stay:
We pulled into town on Friday without a plan and ready for an adventure. Beaufort is another quaint waterfront community rich in history and cool old houses.
We found vacancy at The Inlet Inn. If you ever visit, this is a must! How cute is this room? The front desk staff were over the top friendly.

Not to mention, free parking and walking distance to everything. Who doesn't love that?
After checking-in early, we mosey around town to see what's behind each corner of the downtown. There's a historic bus tour! While waiting we check email at a coffee/wine shop. Again, customer service is above and beyond. People are real and welcoming.

The Bus Tour

Things we learned:
Paint Your Porch Ceiling: Lye paint kept away bugs, wasps, and ghosts. Lye also happens to be light blue/green - Haint blue as it's known in these parts. Tradition says it keeps ghosts away. The Farmer's Almanac types says it keeps bugs away. I'm down for both.
This is the birthplace of sideburns! General Burnside (yep, that's a real name) had some major mutton chops. View them here along with the history of why he's important.
Widow's watch: the first rooftop patios! Not as exciting as how I know them. These sky line perches were for wives waiting on their hubbies to come home from sea. I prefer the ones with chairs and adult beverages.

Checking Email from a Waterfront Tavern
Because why not on an open air patio?
Several patrons gave us odd looks with our backpacks and laptops. Someone made a comment that we were "living the vacation."

Sunset Dolphin Cruise with "Wine Tasting & Charcuterie"
By now, you know we like to have a good time. So when we hear that the sunset cruise has a wine tasting with food, we're in! The bar opens as the cruiser takes off.
Oh, wait, look! Wild horses!

Shackleford Island is across the bay. I forget how the ponies were left over there but they are a local treasure. Work on the street is that the previous week a guy was canoeing around the island and tried to load up a pony to bring it back. (Face palm.) He got in big trouble. Don't mess with the horses!
Back to our cruise...
The sunset was beautiful but the delivery of wine tasting and food had been over promised. Luckily, we did see dolphins!

Last Working Coffee at Marmalade Cafe & Bakery
Before leaving town, we checked email from this cute coffee house. Avocado toast is divine! And wifi works well.

What's your sunglasses status?
Post-coffee, we went shopping at the Southern Frock Boutique. I'm not a shopper my nature. I come from a TJ Maxx style of shopping, stocking up once a year. I want to make a real effort to support local, American made products now though.
I bought a cute dress I'll maybe wear a few times a year which is apparently known as a frock. It sounds frumpy. It's not.
Me: I'm not a jewelry person. What should I wear with it? Her: (peers at the sunglasses perched on my head) What brand are those? Me: Ralph Lauren.
Her: Those will be good enough with it.
Me: Ok. Thanks?
This stands out vividly in my mind because a few weeks ago I had a conversation with a guy who asked, "You rich?" after seeing my sunglasses.
I had no idea these would be such a hot topic in my wardrobe. Are people really judging my status by my sunglasses brand?
BTW they were a gift years ago! I have trouble spending more than $15 on sunglasses that will just break or get lost.
And then this...
The sales lady also asked where I was from during checkout.
Me: Kansas Her: I'm sorry. Me: (silently thinking you're not a nice lady in stronger words than that) It's actually full of some of the best people and where I'm from it's not flat like everyone thinks.
I should've canceled the transaction. I still haven't worn the dress.
PSA (public service announcement): Don't trash someone's hometown. Ever. It's rude.
Kayaking to Shackleford Island
It was a lot of work to cross the bay. Worth it! Some areas were so shallow we had to scooch from getting high centered. The island is known for it's shelling. Still no shark teeth. #fail
Advice from Strangers
Look up Georgetown SC. It's cheap and beautiful.
Things to do next time:
N.C. Maritime Museum - Blackbeard museum
Would I visit again?
Already planning on it. Seriously. I emailed a realtor asking about long term rentals.
Would I live here?
Enthusiasm level: 8.
I’m with family. I’m on vacation. I can still check email without feeling guilty. I’m seeing history. It’s a good life.
Here’s to always being on vacay,
Megan “living the vacation” Giles
P.S. if you need some musical inspiration to live a vacation checkout my fav song Vacation by Dirty Heads. When I started my biz in 2018 I danced to this in the kitchen every morning while making breakfast.
You should've asked the rude saleslady if she'd ever BEEN to Kansas! You should also send the store a link to your post. LOL!