Dates: May 21-25, 2022
I was back with my biz friend Tara Lindstrom this week at her house. She has the sweetest family!
Her daughter entertained us with signing and strumming her guitar after dinner one evening. I won't be surprised if we see her on stage one day. We all played a game together, then finished the night by the fire pit looking at the stars. I'm grateful they were so welcoming!

I got to stay in their Airbnb garage apartment. It's good to be close to friends and still have my own space.

It’s so peaceful here! The Airbnb listing for the treehouse on Terell's Creek is spot on. I feel like I’m in a treehouse. The big windows let in so much light. I can hear birds all around. I got to watch a thunderstorm come through and deer crossing the yard in the mornings.

Shop Local
Left Bank Butchery: My first time buying from a butcher!

Meet My Biz Friends
Dr. Keta Dodds: a functional medicine pharmacist. She's Tara's client and my new friend. I designed her logo and Tara developed her website you can see here.

The Church
Newman Catholic Community at University of NC Chapel Hill.
Journal reflections from the homily:
Love one another. That's how they'll know I belong to Jesus.
Paul and Barnabas are rejected by the people wanting to live by their own rules.
Resist unnecessary burdens we place on ourselves. Don't try to fit into what others wants me to be. Be the person God wants me to be.
Hearing these words are comforting. I've never felt like I fit in with mainstream anywhere. Maybe I'm not supposed to? And those burdens I like to carry around... time to offload more baggage.
Would I visit the area again?
100% yes to visit my friends!
Would I live here?
Long term probably not. The political climate is getting too far from my values the farther north I go.
Enthusiasm level: 8.
I feel calm and rested.
Here’s to resting up,
Megan “Sleeps in Treehouses” Giles
Placeholder for a fun shirt design to commemorate the trip.