Dates: March 11-14, 2022
I left St. Pete's on Friday and was determined to tour something. The Ringling Museum was on the way, so I beelined my way there. It was worth it!

The youngest Ringling brother and his wife purchased the estate and built a fantastic waterfront house. Mrs. R had a green thumb and created a vast rose garden. It smelled amazing.

Every inch of the mansion felt as if it was planned with care and walked me back in time. Was it inappropriate that I felt the urge to dress up for a ball?

Do you know how this foot cushion was used? Did people take their shoes off at dinner? There wasn't an explainer card or docent around while I walked through the dining room. I'm very curious! Comment below if you know.

The circus was an incredible thing. The circus museums on the property showcased an era long gone. Thousands of people worked there, and they traveled by train and moved to the next town sometimes every day. They did this before the invention of disposable plates, which means there was a crew for dishes. Can you imagine?! One tent dedicated to feeding the crew and another for the guests?
A gentleman who loved the circus AND figurines built an exact replica of the circus at 1/10th the actual size. It helps me visualize what a massive undertaking one even was!

A few of the actual train cars were on display as well.
I asked myself if I could live in a train car. A train car is more extensive than an RV and I’d get a new view every day.

Solid maybe.
And then I arrived at Sanibel Island.
My face lit up, and my heart was overwhelmed by how beautiful this view felt. If you ever visit, book at Island Inn. Worth every penny.

Good evening!

Good morning!

Would I visit again?
Would I live here?
No. Way too crowded. The two-lane road in and out gets backed up with traffic. It’s full of resorts, so there aren't any walkable activities unless you count the beach. None that I could find anyway.
Enthusiasm level: 6.5. It's beautiful. But again... I'm still alone. Don't feel too sorry for me though. I'm still living the life!
Here’s to sunsets on sandy beaches,
Megan “Not Feeling Clever Right Now” Giles
P.S. I’m still way behind sharing all the places I’ve been. There’s just SO much to document. I’ve been out of Florida for a while now. So until I can get caught up on the blog, here’s a map pinning everywhere I’ve stopped.
Placeholder For A Fun Shirt
Edited by: Ali Garbero, Write Brand Marketing
We have gone past that museum many times on boat, but have yet to stop. It will be on our list next time for sure! :)
That museum looks amazing!!! I have never been there but would find that fascinating!