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2 Jackson, Mississippi

Writer's picture: Megan GilesMegan Giles

Updated: May 30, 2022

Date: January 22-23, 2022

Today is a Great Day: Day of Departure

I painted my garage wall sometime last year with this phrase to remind me that everyday IS a great day. This is the last pic of me in my house! No Photoshop so we can see how I change...

On a cold Saturday morning I drove off and left the city I’ve called home since 2009. I’d like to tell you a story about my attachment to this place that makes even a bearded biker tear up, but I can’t.

I’m unattached.

Good-bye DFW. Hello I-20! We’re going to become really good friends for the next 400 plus miles.

My friends are the best.

Driving on an endless highway past the pine curtain of east Texas and across Cajun country, isn’t exactly riveting for a solo-driver.

Thank heaven for my StoryBrand friend, Julie Stroud, who entertained me during a hands free phone call the entire stretch of Louisiana. Julie is from Illinois and has the most expansive knowledge on brand archetypes. What’s a brand archetype you say? How about I let Julie tell you HERE.

Then there’s my friend Chelsea who graciously played the leading role of virtual assistant for me that day, as she kindly found a hotel in Jackson for me to stay in. The best part? She scheduled a massage for me for the evening of my arrival. Can you say: hashtag boujee?

When adventuring, massages are key to self care and recovery. They’re also tremendously therapeutic for a person who’s just sold off everything they own.

Crossing the Mighty Mississippi

A quick stop in Vicksburg, Mississippi documents me crossing this massive river. Can you imagine coming up on this as a pioneer in a wagon? I’d have been the one to say, “Yep, guys this looks like a great spot to live. Forever.”

Thank you, Lord, for all the engineers who envisioned better ways across!

Not Camping Rule: I will not eat at chain restaurants.

Exceptions: unless I have a gift card.

As I checked into the hotel in Jackson, I asked the reception desk what local restaurants were close by. Well you’d have thought I’d said a curse word. The lady at the desk sounded flustered, as if she’d never been asked a more ridiculous question. The sun was going down and I was feeling completely beat so I just let it go. Still hungry though, I opted for a sorry little chicken salad from the hotel’s free buffet. Have I ever told you that I’m not really a fan of chicken? I literally try to avoid it at all costs, but desperate hungry times call for desperate measures. And I’m not about to break my own rules less than 24 hours in!

I crashed that night by 7:30 p.m. Quite the contrast from my neon lit nights in the Stockyards! Now you’d think being that tired I’d have slept like a baby, but quite the opposite occurred. I tossed and turned recalling some point during the night having this massive wave hit me: “Oh *&$(%, I just sold everything I own and am homeless!”

Eventually sleep took over and the feeling was gone.

Sunday Funday Family Style

Cold. Bitter, bitter cold.

After letting my car warm up for 15 minutes, I finally mustered up the courage to go outside and drive to mass. I’m not exaggerating here, it was in the 20’s and frost covered my car. Beach life feels far away.

St Richard of Chichester Catholic Church will by my warm climate for the moment. The church is named after a Bishop from England in the early 13th century. He once dropped a chalice during mass and nothing spilled out! He’s also known for the Day By Day Prayer:

O Dear Lord,

Three things I pray:

-to see You more clearly,

-to love You more dearly,

-and follow You more nearly

day by day.

I like it.

Fr. John Bohn was the celebrant that morning reminding us that we’re all one body in Christ. If one sins it affects us all. If one repents it affects us all.

I stayed after the service to pray a bit. There were some college kids in the pew behind me chatting, which I have to admit is always encouraging. Watching an age group well equipped to make their own decisions with no requirement by their parents to drag them to church, but to willfully desire to go on their own….yeah, that’s cool.

By this time, Fr. John Bohn had finished up his duties and I got a glimpse of his sense of humor. It matches his name. Walking up the aisle, he stopped and smiled at the college kids, and said: “Ok guys, you were praying and now you’re just loitering.” We all chuckled and everyone went about their day.

It left me with a lot of optimism that today would be a great day.

I had some time to kill in between my church service and meeting up with my friend Erin and her family so I searched for a warm place to hangout.

Admittedly coffee shops haven’t really been my thing. People don’t talk there. Unless someone has a meeting, most people have their heads down, headphones in, and laptops open. No eye contact. Ever. Yet, I’m trying to let that stereotype go, hoping a friendly coffee drinker will change my mind and shatter all my biases.

PJ’s of New Orleans coffee shop was the first to pull up on my map. The reviews were positive so it was a go. Technically, PJ’s is a chain but having never heard of them I’m going to say it didn’t violate my rule. The decor was super cute and the coffee was… coffee. No one talked to me, but that’s ok, they had heat. I sat by a sunny window and listened to my Bible In A Year study and decided to do a little journaling.

The variety of accents in this part of the country is drastic! From very light southern to hardcore, born-and-raised, deep-south-country-folk. It makes me smile.

Late morning I met up with Erin Fults, one of my StoryBrand friends who runs her own marketing business in Clinton, MS (next to Jackson). She and her family took me out for a Sunday Funday family style! We started by meeting up for church. A little extra worship time is good for the soul and while I absolutely love the Catholic church, I always appreciate visiting other denominations’ services because we’re all one body in Christ, after all.

Can I get an “Amen”?!

Walking in, the comradery was felt instantly. People chatting and smiling, an overall friendly place. It’s different from Catholic churches. Very minimal in décor yet this one feels traditional still. It reminds me of a southern church you’d see in the movies. White walls. One giant cross. Dark wooden pews. Although I didn’t know the songs, they still felt traditional. It made me smile.

The sermon’s main message came from the books of Daniel and Acts: Jesus defends his witnesses in times of trouble. I lost my notes from it. Sorry!

After Erin’s church services, we head to a little shopping area for brunch on a heated patio followed by walking around the shops with the whole family. It felt natural. Easy. Homey. Comforting.

Maybe it’s because Erin and I look like sisters (we get confused for one another a lot). Or maybe it’s because she’s just a great human and we have so much in common that today felt like a great first day to my new nomadic lifestyle.

Caption: Erin (left) and Megan (right). Take note of our style. We’re the same age and can relate to the fashion trends of this stage of life. Neither one of us is a fan of the crop top and the mom jeans the cool kids are wearing these days. As business owners, athleisure wear probably shouldn’t be as prominent as it is in our life.

Will my travels change my style? Or give me a style in the first place? 🤣 Time will tell.

I’ve been told the trench coat and boots make me look cool in this picture, but what you don’t see is the day-to-day workout wear I’m always dressed in, as if the gym is my next stop.

“Oh, you’re not Erin.”

Side story: Erin and I get mistaken for one another. A lot. We both attended the StoryBrand Summit in Nashville last fall. People would walk up to one of us continuing a conversation from earlier thinking we were the other person. It was a lot funnier then than it sounds now typing it out.

Would I visit Jackson again?

Already planning a two week stay at some point. When it warms up, of course! I already have a friend here and The Fondren District has so much character. The movie The Help was filmed here and the buildings kept that lost-in-time downtown charm. There are so many restaurants and shops I want to explore during my next visit.

Would I live here?

He’d have to be cute. Really cute. And build me a heated, screened-in patio.

Enthusiasm level: 9

Sunday Funday: Mass, Bible study over coffee, church with a friend, lunch on a heated patio while talking business with my StoryBrand friend. In a short 6 hours, I got to do most all the things I love.

Here’s to always feeling like family,

Megan “Not-Erin” Giles

Get the shirt

Do you enjoy family Sunday Fundays too? Or maybe need some inspirational apparel for your next weekend outing?

Every blog post will have a fun graphic to commemorate that stop. And what better way to commemorate a time than with a graphic tee shirt!

Who Your Business Needs To Know

A shout out to the friends I visit along the way.

Erin Fults, StoryBrand Certified Guide

Service businesses often waste time and money on marketing that doesn’t get a return. Erin creates messaging and marketing sales funnels that attract your ideal clients so you can win more business. Want to work with Erin? Visit

Edited by: Ali Garbero, Write Brand Marketing


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Erin Fults
Erin Fults
Mar 08, 2022

Just now catching up on your adventures on the blog! So fun to hang out on your stop in Jackson. Looking forward to the next time you come for a visit.


Adventure awaits! What an amazing journey you’re going to have! Thank you for including our AirBNB on your stop in St Augustine! It was lovely to meet you!


Julie Stroud
Julie Stroud
Feb 14, 2022

Megan, I am living vicariously through your blog! Love it! Love you, too, friend!


Catherine Brown
Catherine Brown
Feb 13, 2022

Look at you doing your graphic Ts! I am so happy for you.


© 2022 MG Graphics LLC

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