November 2022
I need a place to stay. My sister's basement is just lovely, but Aunt Megan needs her own space if ya know what I mean!
We started reno on the front part that will eventually be a short term rental. I've stayed in my fair share of rentals, so I'm making sure it have everything I need to survive more than a few nights. Plus, this will give me a space of my own while we reno the rest of the house.
Rental Space Reno
Before, this was an entry way, master bedroom with closet and bathroom. The only way to get to the bedroom was through the bathroom. I think way back when, this was the front porch. Oh and did I mention that there's no door from the house to get to the garage? That window in the bathroom looked into the garage.
My Demo Crew
Mom has done so much too! I kept her too busy for photos.
Before and After
We did most of the demo and hired a local contractor to do the rest.
Front entry turned kitchenette for short term rental:
Before - The Idea Rendering - After (pre-move in)
The closet it gone so the sliding door to the bathroom is exposed and painted white. A split unit for AC and heat was added and a walkway was cut out from the bedroom to the kitchenette.
Bathroom and Garage Entry
The old master bath was cut in half so make an entry way to the garage. The rental bathroom is still good sized with plenty of counter space by the sink.
Remind Me Why
It's freezing outside. Literally. Not my normal, "Ugh 40 degrees is basically freezing." Legit freezing at 7 degrees. Add the wind to that and yuck (to keep it PG). Why did I leave the beach again?
Oh yeah for this...
Sunsets. Football championships (they went to state!) Working calves (I got to brand, ironic eh?) Sunrises. Music programs. Hikes (before it got cold). Fall festivals. Rainbows. Basketball. Hunting. Family time. LOTS of family time.
More to come as I get moved in and start on the rest of the house,
Megan "Grateful for Family" Giles